
  • 6 Quick Brain-Based Teaching Strategies

    So many teachers want the quick strategies they can use the very next day. Unfortunately, many of those are just more of the same. Sometimes what makes a strategy work (or not work) is HOW the teacher “sets up” the activity. Other times it works because of the timing or the environmental factors. In short, […]

  • Teaching High Poverty Kids Using A High Impact Curriculum

    Kids from poverty do not need a “dumbed down” curriculum. These are the three “As” that matter” most: arts, AP (advanced placement curriculum) and activity (P.E., recess, sports). Before these kids even get to school, they have been subjected to years of “doing without.” Poor children are half as likely to be taken to museums, […]

  • The Challenges Involved in Brain-Based Learning

    Every New Discipline Has Challenges Typical challenges involved in brain-based learning include: finding people and sources you can trust to learn from (websites, famous people, etc.) deciding on the format or vehicle for learning (in person, on-line, books?) prioritizing the time to make it happen (learning plus the implementation) Sorry, there are no shortcuts with […]

  • Limitations of Brain-based Learning

    Nothing is perfect. Limitations of brain-based learning do exist.  No one process or paradigm can solve ALL of the problems in education. The brain itself has limitations, and all of us are part of the process. They are no more difficult than the limitations you find in any other teaching and learning situation. It will […]

  • An Educational Staff Development Plan To Optimize Teacher Time

    Effectively Making an Educational Staff Development Plan Optimizes Teacher Time. In-Service Learning Should Be about Reforms and Improvements to Teaching. Making an educational staff development plan is not always easy. There is a lot of competition for teachers’ time and, from a classroom standpoint, every day is precious. The chief purpose of making an educational […]